Terms of Service

Jeffrey Davis
Modified on: Fri, 30 Aug, 2019 at 9:45 AM

Important information about the terms of using our products for Freshdesk and Freshservice support portals.

  You can

  • Use the chosen template with Freshdesk or Freshservice support portal yourself. You can use it for your own or your customer’s support portal. If you use it for your client, they must be the end-user.
  • Modify the chosen template on your own or order our services to modify it. Every theme gives you a non-exclusive license that lets you or your customers create a single end product.
  • Use themes for one domain only. You can use the template with additional Freshdesk and Freshservice support portals if you have multibrand licenses.

  You can not

  • Share, resell, or redistribute our templates multiple times in the original or modified form. You should buy a new theme every time you want to give it away to a new customer.
  • Claim intellectual or exclusive ownership of any of our products, modified or unmodified. The intellectual rights of the theme remain the property of Breezy Themes. If we become aware of unauthorized distribution, your license may be voided without refund, and all support portals that use the original code or illegal copies must stop using them. In these cases, we can take legal action against you.
  • Make more than one support portal using the same template (to make another support portal with the same theme you have to purchase a multibrand license).
  • Demonstrate our themes for commercial purposes without credit to Breezy Themes.
  • Give competitors access to the template.
  • License themes and make them available on your site for download.
  • Add a theme code or its parts to public repositories (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc) because it will be available to everyone on the Internet and can be used as an unauthorized copy. The code of a theme or extensions in its original or modified form can be used only by the company that made a purchase.

You agree to prevent your third parties from unauthorized use of our templates. If you learn about such cases, please let us know at hello@breezythemes.com.

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